Tagged: habit

Day 24 – Writing Challenge – What are the three things you are unable to let go of?

Let us dive into another exciting Day 24 of the Writing Challenge. While you attempt today’s challenge and share the three things you are unable to let go of, you can also check the below topic which will help to plan your goals ahead of time and keep them productive throughout the journey of life. Another topic of the day – How to write your short-term and long-term professional and personal goals? What are the three things you are unable to let go of? Three things that you cannot let go of can be a huge list for most people. There is nothing...

Day 14 – Writing Challenge – Write about your goals for the next 1 month

Welcome to Day 14 of the Writing Challenge. While writing for today’s challenge and sharing your goals for the next 1 month, you can also check the below topic which will help you effectively plan your day and get most of your work done. Another topic of the day – What to include in a daily planner? Write about your goals for the next 1 month Like the archer shooting at the aim and becoming better at the art of focusing, we need to keep the focus on our goals. Goals are so important in our life. A life without a goal...

30-Day Writing Challenge- Be a better version of yourself

Thank you for visiting my blog. The blog has a theme of 30-day challenges that will help you learn new things each day and change your life for the better. The challenge for the current month is the “30-day Writing Challenge”. It’s always on us how we want our life to be. No matter what everyone tells us to do, we won’t be able to change anything in our life unless we want it. Wanting to change your life in a better way is the first step and the journey starts when you take an action for it. The 30-day...